Evolve Beauty Superfood 360 serum Superfood 360 面部精華 英國手工製作天然有機
Superfood 360天然面部精華液(30ml)是基於我們的智慧老齡(Age Smarter) 360概念的新型抗衰老精華液。它不僅可以消除細紋和皺紋,而且還可以消除老年斑,改善膚色、紋理和皮膚光亮度。
美滕果肽 - 這種秘魯超級食品幫助古老的印加人活了100多年。天然美滕果肽經臨床證明可改善面部緊緻度,減少皺紋數量和皮膚光滑度,並改善真皮層密度來調整肌膚結構。
秘魯瑪卡 - 秘魯部落使用了這超級食物幾個世紀來增強能量和耐力,瑪卡刺激細胞更新,減少皺紋的出現,同時增強皮膚光澤。
Cacay油 - 從亞馬遜野生樹種子提取的油,該油中含有生物視黃醇和亞油酸,以保護皮膚屏障並將水分鎖在其中。
大小: 30ML
天然 98.98%
有機 81.2%
FOR All skin types
The Superfood 360 natural face serum (30ml) is our new supercharged anti ageing serum based on our Age Smarter 360 concept. Ageing Smarter is taking care of the skin naturally at every stage of life, working proactively with the body to support graceful ageing. A 360 view of ageing tackles not only fine lines and wrinkles but also age spots, texture and luminosity.
This lightweight serum can be used on all skin types and at any age. This advanced formulation is packed with highly effective natural superfoods which deliver comprehensive skin protection and rejuvenation benefits including improvement in, skin tone, wrinkle depth, texture and luminosity.
Size: 30ML
% Natural 98.98%
% Organic 81.2%