- 對於1歲以下的兒童,將1滴精油混合物擦到鞋底。
- 對於1-2歲的兒童,在胸部和上背部擦2滴精油混合物。
- 對於2-6歲的兒童,在胸部和上背部擦4-5滴精油混合物。
請按照本產品手冊的說明使用此產品, 此乃附助療法, 請聽從你的醫生或藥劑師的醫療指示。
100% 有機
大小: 10毫升
KIDS - Temperature
Use in case of fever.
How to use:
- For children under 1 year of age rub 1 drop of essential oil blend to the soles.
- For children 1-2 years of age rub 2 drops of essential oil blend on the chest and upper back.
- For children 2-6 years of age rub 4-5 drops of essential oil blend on the chest and upper back.
Repeat 3-4 times a day for a few days.
Always use this product exactly as instructed in product leaflet, this is assisted natural therapy, please always take your doctor or pharmacist advise on medical treatment.
100% Organic
Size: 10ml
Sweet almond oil, true lavender e.o., eucalyptus radiata e.o.